Sunday, December 05, 2010

I spent my fall learning more than anyone should need to know about Laurel and Hardy. But at the end of a month of rehearsing and re-writing and playing I was rewarded with 2 months of getting to watch the incomparable Gerry Neugent and Bill Thiesen play the legendary schtickmeisters. They were very good at portraying the duo, but the fun part of the run was watching them play at making each other giggle. It was good, messy fun.

Once my show was up and running, the Johnson clan got together to celebrate the family fall birthdays. Right now, that's pretty much everyone! Instead of requiring someone to host the 10 people that currently make up our family, we met in Hartford at the Mineshaft restaurant and had a nice lunch and gift exchange. It was great and little Gavin gets bigger and CUTER every time we see him!

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