Monday, August 27, 2007


Since we didn't get a chance to go camping, we spent the weekend doing new, fun things. Saturday night we went to a drive-in movie just south of Kenosha and saw the movie SuperBad. It was very funny and we had a good time. I haven't been to a drive-in for almost 20 years so it was a blast.

Sunday, since it was a gorgeous day, we drove down to Gary, IN to see a Gary/Southshore Rail Cats game. We learned a valuable lesson, when driving somewhere involving Chicago, allow an extra hour. We left around 11:30a for a 2:00 game and didn't get there until 2:30 or so. Luckily we only missed an inning and a half. It was a pretty park and we had a good time. AND the Rail Cats won! 5-4.

There was a train running past the out field and, like the TN smokies, in the middle of the 5th inning, a huge group of kids just ran from the left field corner to the right field corner. It was pretty funny.

It didn't take as long to get home, and I think we could try again as long as we had plenty of time. It might be more fun to stop there on the way home from somewhere or try to camp down there and see a couple of games in that league. But in the end, it was a good day and we added another park to our list.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Big Win

Pete and I got to see a big win by our boys against the home-town Milwaukee Brewers. It was a 25 year celebration of the Brewers winning their last American League penant 1982 (and we all remember who they were up against in the ensueing world series.
Anyhoo - We had great seats in the club level above the first base line. We thought we were going to have the old Kip Wells pitching when he gave up 3 runs (including 2 homeruns) in the first inning, but the Cards came back and the Brew Crew melted down a little so we ended up winning the game (after 3 hours and 25 minutes) 12-4.
Although it was overlooked, the new brewer, Baune came a double short of hitting for the cycle.
It was a fun night in the ball park even though it was hot, and humid - Africa-hot! Because of the anniversary celebration both teams were wearing their throwback uniforms.
These lovely Blue and Red uniforms made our fav David Ecstein look more like the smurf that his team mates call him!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Broadway Bound

I'm still trapped in Beloit doing a lovely production of Broadway Bound. It's been going fairly well now that the show is open. More pictures coming soon. - Pictured: Back Row - Alex Burkhart (Eugene) Me! Michael Chase (Jack), Ross Zentner (Light op), Nate Burkhart (Stanley), Aaron Sitrick (sound op), Front Row - Carolyn Cadigan (Kate), Rod MacDonald (Ben) and Libby Amato (Blanche), Floor - Caitlin McCown (deck).

Thursday, August 02, 2007

New Baby Niece!

July 31, 2007, our new niece Erin Marie Rhoda
was born at 8:30a. She's 7 lbs 11 oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

As you can see, Mom, baby and new Big Brother are doing well. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN!